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Initially diagnosed June 4, 2009 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage II,Grade II tumor size: 2-3 cm node positive ER/PR postive HER2 Neu - negative Current Diagnosis: Metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 Mets: Scalp/skin, Liver, Spine, Bone ER/PR + HER2/NEU -

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sorry for lack of updates

Sorry I haven't written much here lately. I've been spending a lot of time writing on my new examiner column. If you haven't checked it out, do so, but clicking here:


I've been doing some reading and field trips to find ideas. I really am running short on topics. I have a few I'm trying to get more information about but am running into some roadblocks. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know.

As far as my health goes, it's been ok lately. No more news on the cancer side at least. I did however, get a bad test result showing hyper thyroid. They are wanting me to go in for a thyroid scan next week to confirm it. I did a little research on this and it appears it could be caused by the Tamoxifen they have me taking to lower my estrogen and prevent recurrence of breast cancer. I found an article from the journal of oncology on pubmed and I have a call in with the oncologist office to see if it's possible. I'm hoping it's the cause actually. I'm not real interested in having to go through radiation to kill my thyroid and taking synthetic thyroid medication for the rest of my life. Here's the article:

Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 13, 854-857, Copyright © 1995 by American Society of Clinical Oncology


Thyroid function test changes with adjuvant tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women with breast cancer

CC Mamby, RR Love and KE Lee
Cancer Prevention Program, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, Madison, USA.

PURPOSE: While tamoxifen has been shown to alter concentration of many hormones and their binding globulins, there have been conflicting results regarding its effects on thyroid function tests. We sought to clarify these effects by studying subjects in a controlled clinical trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated a subset of postmenopausal women who had participated in a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled toxicity study of tamoxifen 10 mg orally, twice daily. There were 14 subjects in both the tamoxifen and placebo groups. Measurement of thyroid-binding globulin (TBG), thyroxine uptake (T- Uptake), thyroxine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and an indirect estimate of the free T4 index (FTI), were made for each subject before and after 3 months of treatment. RESULTS: For T-Uptake, T4, and TBG, there were significant increases in the mean change from baseline to 3 months in the tamoxifen group compared with the placebo group (P = .02, .0001, and .003, respectively), while there were no significant changes in the measured TSH and in the calculated FTI. CONCLUSION: We conclude that tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women results in increased TBG, with secondary increases in measured T-Uptake and T4 following. However, TSH and FTI levels are unchanged, and treated women remain eumetabolic.
Sunday, May 30, 2010

My First Paid Writing Assignment!

I just published my first paid writing assignment. I am the Fort Worth Little-Known-Facts blogger for examiner.com. Please check out my first published article at the following address and let me know what you think:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tamoxifen Tomorrow

I start Tamoxifen Tomorrow. A little worried about side effects, but hopefully it will go smoothly.

Monday, May 24, 2010

3rd Grade Awards

We went to the 3rd Grade Awards Ceremony today at Katie's school. Here are some pictures I wanted to share:

DONE with Breast Cancer and Bridging

I decided to rename this blog now that I'm DONE dealing with breast cancer! I also put away all my wigs, scarves and other cancer related stuff this weekend. I want to extend a final thank you to all of you who helped us out during this difficult time. Now on to more fun and happy things...

Friday night, my daughter "bridged" up to the next level in Girl Scouts. She went from a Brownie to a Junior. Although me and Jesse were both working during the ceremony (I'm one of the troop leaders, the other troop leader, Dana, was on stage speaking, and Jesse was running sound and slideshows), we managed to get a few still shots, a quarter or so of the ceremony on video(not the greatest, was taken on the still shot camera as an afterthought from the sound booth at the back of the auditorium), and some copies of some of the other parents pictures. The still shots are posted here. The video below is low quality and has been cropped and pieced together to only show the parts that Katie was in. It's real short due to the fact that we were running out of space on the still shot cameras card. I wish we had some still shots or video of the actual bridging, but unfortunately, we do not. If one of the other mothers posts some I'll share them at a later date.

Sunday, May 23, 2010



Interesting... someone is blogging about my comments from the Dallas Morning news add... I disagree with their point of view, because health care reform passed and I'm about to lose my COBRA with no help in sight from the reform.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Now?

Almost a year ago, in June 2009, I was diagnosed with cancer. Finally, this Wednesday, I reached the end of my journey. One year of my life wasted in treatment for a 2.5 cm tumor. I am now cancer free according to my doctors, but the side effects and the emotional effects will be with me for the rest of my life.

I don't think you can go through this type of thing without it changing you. It changes you physically, mentally, emotionally... And after it's all done you feel a little lost and sentimental. The best way I can describe the feeling you have is to compare it to moving to a nicer home. You put that last box in the car and then go back in for that final look. You know you are moving on to bigger and better things, yet you stare into the empty room and all the memories of it run through your head like a flashback sequence in movie. You see the tears, the love, the events of the years spent there. It's the same for me.

I look back and I see all the wonderful women I have met over this last year at chemo, at radiation. I see the people who were supportive, like my chemo angels, the nurses, the doctors. I see long days in bed after chemo treatments, my husband and my daughter eating on the bed with me. I see the days after surgery, my sister laying on the bed watching tv with me. All the memories of the last year.

And as I walked out of treatment Wednesday, I felt sort of lost. After having an entire year planned for you... with all the appointments and treatments and limitations... I'm suddenly free. I suddenly have more time than I know what to do with and I really don't have a plan. I don't think I can just go back to my old "norm", because I'm not the same person. Cancer changes you. I guess I have to start searching for my new norm now. I don't know what it will be, but I hope to make it more meaningful than my old "norm".
Friday, May 7, 2010

Warning: Living May Cause Cancer

Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk

Do you think that you can avoid cancer by simply leading a healthy lifestyle? If so, think again. A recent report by the President’s Cancer Panel, created in 1971 to address cancer related subjects, claims many carcinogens are in the environment and are virtually impossible to avoid. Without the help of legislation to eliminate these carcinogens from our environment, we are almost helpless to avoid them. We are exposed daily to environmental carcinogens in our homes, businesses, schools and yards. Now that the OFFICIAL report is on Obama’s desk, I’m interested to see what action, if any, he takes to protect us and our families from these toxins.

"For the past 30 years ... there has been systematic effort to minimize the importance of environmental factors in carcinogenesis," said Dr. Philip Landrigan, director of the Children's Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

"There has been disproportionate emphasis on lifestyle factors and insufficient attention paid to discovering and controlling environmental exposures," he said. "This report marks a sea change."

After reading the report myself, it appears to me that with the current situation, we simply can not avoid carcinogens. There are a few suggestions on ways to reduce exposure, but many of the items are in things we can’t avoid like food, water, and air. Many of the carcinogens have been found in the placenta and breast milk of women; so you may have even been exposed to carcinogens before you were ever born! Even those of you who shop at Whole Foods or similar stores where they have naturally raised meat animals and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables, and even if you don’t smoke ,or drink alcohol, and use environmentally safe paint in your homes, you may still be exposed to carcinogens daily.

The only solution to the problem, is for the government to enact legislation to eliminate the cancer causing chemicals from our environment, stores, and homes. Even then, as was seen with DDT, the chemicals will still remain in the environment for many years. DDT was banned in 1973 and is still being found in the breasts, breast milk and placentas of women. With data like that, it sounds like the earlier we start the better…

However, nanomaterials can be extremely toxic, and despite their promise, concern is growing about their potential health and environmental risks. Most ENMs are engineered at dimensions of 1 to 100 nanometers (nm), or 1 to 100 billionth of a meter. The width of a human hair is 80,000 nm.

Because of their structure and small size, they can be inhaled, ingested,
and absorbed through the skin, entering the blood stream, penetrating cells throughout the body (including the brain), and perhaps interfering with DNA processes.

Until then, in addition to the current list of things recommended by cancer foundations like the American Cancer Society have listed to avoid, here is a list of what you’ll need to add to completely eliminate your risk of cancer:

  • being born (mother may pass gene defects or carcinogens to an unborn child)
  • drinking breast milk or cow’s milk (either may contain carcinogens due to ingesting water and food laced with carcinogens)
  • drinking water (from ground, tap or bottle – plastic bottles may have BP and phthalate in the plastic which can seep into the water)
  • eating meat (even organic meat can have carcinogens from animals who consume pesticide run off)
  • eating fruits and vegetables (fresh ones may have pesticides, even pesticide-free ones may have been watered with water that has been contaminated with pesticide run off or chemicals from manufacturing, canned goods have a lining that contains BP…)
  • breathing (it was brought up in the report that many of the nano technology used in hundreds of consumer products including cosmetics, sunscreens, other personal care products, stain-resistant clothing, food storage containers, computers and other electronics, may be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin interfering with DNA processes.)
    Depressing isn’t? Maybe it’s time for us all to write our senators and get something done. The smokers may not be the main cause as many had thought, but rather the greedy manufacturers who are lining their pockets using carcinogenic materials, sloppy disposal procedures, and our children’s future health!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tips for Visiting Someone Who is Sick

I thought this was a really good blog topic. I saw it on Kairol Rosenthal's blog "Everything Changes". Here is her blog article:

In the midst of radiation treatment my home was like grand central station with visitors coming and going all day long. I needed the help and the company, and was grateful to have people stopping by.

But for some patients, having visitors isn’t as easy or welcomed. Many folks don’t want anyone around when they look and feel like crap. Others want privacy and alone time. And lots of guests just don’t know how to behave in the best interest of the sickie. So, I’ve come up with a list of tips for both patients and visitors:

For Patients

- Nobody is a mind reader. Email friends and family about your wishes.
- Think about who you are willing to have see you at your worst.
- Let people know if it is not okay to visit at the hospital or at home.
- Clearly broadcast your energy level and the length of visit you’d like.
- Demand people stay away if they have germs.
- If you’ve got a roommate or partner get clear with each other so if you have different desires you don’t send mixed messages to guests.

For Visitors

- Have awareness. The goal is to be helpful, even it means staying away.
- While visiting, ask what you can do to help out around the house.
- Sometimes help without asking. If the trash is full just take it out.
- Never stop by unannounced.
- Don’t overstay your welcome.
- Silence can be comforting. Offer to sit together without talking.
- Think about visiting with the sick person’s kids, partner, or caregiver allowing the sick person time to just rest

I know I didn't want a lot of non-family visitors while I was going through chemo or recovering from surgery, but if anyone had come over, I think these are good guidelines. It wasn't that I didn't WANT anyone over particularly, it was more that I was embarassed of how *I* looked (bald and laying around in my pajamas with no makeup on) and ESPECIALLY how my house looked. I'm the main one who cleans, and when I'm too sick to clean, my house gets absolutely filthy! I could barely stand being here some days myself. I tended to just stay in the bedroom where I didn't have to see it! Otherwise, it drove me absolutely batty!

One thing that could be added to the list, is to bring food. You might check with them (or their caregiver) to see what things they can eat at the time , though. Also, be sure to bring it in disposable dishes. This is a thoughtful gesture that will save the sick person from feeling obligated to wash and return them.

In addition to that, you could offer to take their children somewhere occasionally(If they have young children). I know while I was sick, I felt guilty that we were unable to take Katie to the park very often. I was usually to sick to go, and Jesse didn't want to leave me home alone. Our neighbor offered to do this when they walked their dog quite often. Christine often would take Katie and her cousin somewhere for the day, and I really appreciated it! Along the same line, offer to take their kids to school/activities if you are a parent and have kids at the same school/activity. I had a neighbor who often would offer to drive her to school for me and a couple at church who would take Katie to her JBQ meets.

Whatever you do, don't avoid people you care about while they are sick. Being stuck at home sick is lonely and boring. While I was sick, I received very few visitors and phone calls. I asked some of them why I hadn't heard from them and they said it was because they were worried they'd bother me/wake me up, etc. I tried to reassure them it was fine, but didn't have much luck. Due to this, I spent a lot of long lonely days, unable to sleep, wishing I had the distraction of a phone call or visitor. When I wanted to sleep, I simply turned off the phone or gave it to my husband to deal with. To those of you who did call, write, email or stop by... thank you so much. You made my day when you did!
Monday, May 3, 2010

Last Full Breast Treatment

I had my last FULL breast treatment today. Starting tomorrow they will only be doing with they call "boosts". Boosts are where they only radiate the area where the tumor was. During full breast radiation, they were treating the entire breast. There were 3 different positions the machine had to move through in order to hit the breast from different angles. During the boosts, I'll only have to sit through one.

I've been fortunate and haven't had too much skin damage or side effects so far. My skin is a little red, dry and sensitive, but no worse than mild sunburn might cause. I'm really looking forward to being done! Just seven more treatments...
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Almost Got A Day Off

I thought I was going to get a day off today. They called around 11am and told me to call in after noon, because the machine they do my radiation on was down. Unfortunately, they got it back working and re-scheduled me for 4:30pm.

They are talking about marking me and taking some images for my radiation "boosts". I guess they'll be starting them next week. A radiation "boost" is additional more targeted radiation to the specific site of the tumor (or the area where the tumor was removed from).
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Really Need Job Leads!

Just found out yesterday that I ran out of unemployment benefits and Jesse still hasn't found work. That means we are desperate, because we are living on one unemployment income. If you have any leads please let us know. I should be done with radiation in a few weeks and would be able to work again, too. Only requirements are that it pays better than unemployment and has health insurance... and for me that it pays better than daycare costs... and I'd like to have health insurance, in case his job doesn't.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Picture

Finally have enough hair to cover my head. I'm not crazy about it, but people keep telling me it's cute. I've been going without a wig for a week or two now. It's nice not to have to wear anything on my head. I think I look too much like my dad!
Monday, April 12, 2010

Human Art Project

I went in today for my radiation treatment and found out they were running 30 min late. There were so many new women there today that all the lockers for our clothes were full! Met some nice ladies who were jealous of what little hair I have. They were all a few months behind me and haven't had time for their hair to grow in. Once I finally got in, they realized they had forgotten to do some pictures of the area they are radiating for my file. The techs took a blue marker and drew lines around the area and took several pictures. I came home with blue marker boxing in my breast! I felt like a human art project!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Radiation Update

Finished my first week. No major side effects yet. Skin is a little sensitive to the touch, but nothing bad.
Monday, March 29, 2010


First day today. Went ok. Really getting tired of dealing with this all. Started a count down. 33 treatments total, 32 left to go.
Friday, March 5, 2010

Radiation Oncologist Visit Today

I saw the radiation oncologist today. She said she thinks it would be in my best interest to radiate the breast and lymph nodes under my arm. Next Friday, I have an appointment to do a CT Scan and get the markings put on for it. After that they will do what they call "dress rehearsal" where you go in and they see if the beams line up like they should etc.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I had two doctors appointments today. The first one was with the surgeon. He said everything seems to be healing up nicely and he removed the drain. (YAY!) I have to continue to keep pressure on it until Sunday and then I can do what I want again.

Second appointment was with the oncologist. She referred me to a radiation oncologist which I have an appointment with next week. The radiation oncologist is near Baylor Grapevine. She said it was a brand new building with the latest and greatest equipment. I have an appointment there next week for consultation. I should be starting it in a couple of weeks. We also discussed the post chemotherapy regimine that I'll be doing called Tamoxifin. It's something I have to take every day for 5 years to reduce my estrogen (which in turn further reduces the chance of recurrence).
Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow and Updates

I spent Wednesday at the JPS Cancer center off Terrell street advocating for a friend of mine. She has Melanoma and is really having a hard time with Interferon. Her side effects are severe and I wanted to go with her and talk to her oncologist and see if we could find her some more options. If you pray, please be praying for Melissa. She is only 29 years old and has two kids. She needs strength to make it through, and to find a chemo option that she can handle. I had her oncologist check into clinical trials. I need to go pick up the 5 they found Monday.

We had about 12 inches of snow here yesterday. For those of you out of state, this broke the record for the most snow Texas has ever had since they started recording weather data. I was feeling pretty good and went out and tried to help Katie build a snowman. I tired out pretty quickly though. But at least I got to get out and join the fun for a change! Pictures of us having fun in the snow are here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=150973&id=524167895&l=9446b308f8

Last night I couldn't sleep. The Hydrocodone seems to wire me, but if I don't take it, I have too much pain to sleep. Not sure what to do about that. I finally fell asleep about 4am this morning out of pure exhaustion. Today I'm a little tired, and my incision is really itchy and sore. The constant pressure is really beginning to bother me. I only have about 4 more days though and I'm sure I'll manage to make it through it. I REALLY hope they can take out the drain Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Went back for my follow up after surgery today. I had been waiting for this visit all week. I was expecting to get my drain out and be done with this part of my treatment. I got some good news and some bad news today.

The good news is, the chemotherapy worked. It shrunk the originally 2cm tumor own to 1.4cm. The 3 nodes that were removed were completely cancer free. Also the lymphatic vessels showed clear. (On the initial biopsies, at least one of the nodes was positive for cancer and one of the core samples from the tumor showed lymphatic vessel invasion).

They got clear margins around the tumor. This means no re-excision. And, the surgical wound where they opened me up is healing well. YAY!

But, the bad news is, I have to wear the drain at least another week because I didn't realize the importance of keeping pressure on the surgical area. In my release papers it said to wear either an ace bandage or a sports bra at all times to decrease swelling. I did this for a couple of days, but I didn't see any swelling, and wearing the bandage or bra cut into me and caused more pain, so I decided to take it off.

I found out today, it not only reduces the swelling, it helps to compress the surgical hole they created, which in turn, reduces the amount of fluid my body produces to fill it. The reason I didn't experience swelling was due to the drain. If he removed the drain today it would have swelled.

So, the surgeon said another week, at least, with the drain (depending on how much fluid shows up in it). He said if I want the amount to reduce, I have to keep the surgical area bound tightly with either an ace bandage or a sports bra, 24/7 for the entire week, and continue to do it for a while after the drains are removed.

This is VERY painful to do. The elastic cuts into my skin after a few hours and pushes the drain tube into my side. It makes the pain jump from about a 4 on scale of 1-10 to about a 7 (and it's a steady 7). The hydrocodone they had prescribed me wasn't helping with the lower level of pain well, so I asked if I could have something better (since I'll be dealing with level 7 pain).

The surgeon prescribed me a higher dosage of the hydrocodone (7.5 instead of 5) and I can take 1 or 2 every 4 hours. I'm really hoping this makes a difference and helps me get through the week! I'm very disappointed and really dreading being in pain all week!

I came home and put on a sports bra and it's already killing me. At 7pm I can try out the new higher dosage. Pray it works! I'll do anything to get this annoying drain out of me!
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow

Well, the surgery is tomorrow. I'm really scared and anxious. I read something last night about the axillary node dissection portion that makes me wonder if it's truly necessary at this point. I'm going to have to question the doctor in the morning and see if the benefits are worth the life time risks. My surgery is at 10am tomorrow at Harris Methodist downtown. Dr. Scot Blumendal will be performing it. I got a good impression of him from our consultation so I'm hoping all goes well. If all goes well, it will be an outpatient surgery. If there are any complications or extensive pain I may have to stay over night. I'm hoping to get out same day. Anyhow, my anxiety is driving me insane, so if you feel like calling to calm me down, feel free!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reward for Completing Chemo

I am still in search of somewhere to get the guitar lessons I promised myself as a reward after finishing chemo. If there is anyone who knows of anyone who might be willing to provide free or low cost lessons for me, I'd appreciate your help. Most places want to charge about $25 for half and hour and we just can't afford it right now with us both being laid off and having to deal with all these medical bills. I really need the distraction.
Monday, January 25, 2010

Radiation Mistakes

Let's just hope the radiation machine I get isn't running Windows... Blue screen during treatment might be a bad thing! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Surgery in February

I got the green light from my oncologist yesterday for surgery. I called and scheduled surgery for February 1st at Harris Methodist Downtown. I've decided to go with Dr. Scott Bloemendal who performed my great aunts mastectomy. He'll be performing a lumpectomy, axillary node dissection, removing some lymph nodes, and most likely my chemo port. The whole thing makes my anxiety levels high. This will be the first real surgery I've had. I wish it was happening sooner so I wouldn't have two weeks to get worked up about it.
Monday, January 18, 2010

Thank You

Saw this little poem and wanted to share it with those of you have been supportive along the way:

For all your good wishes and candy
The balloons and stuffed animals were dandy.
Contributions, beautiful flowers, gourmet meals
and games-- It's hard to keep track of all the names.
Cards, books, visits, calls on the phone
Gave strength to me, I was not alone.
Your hopes and prayers are appreciated more
than I can say-- Hopes and dreams for a brighter day.
Many thanks!
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Potassium Pills Are Dangerous!

I went in Wednesday for my Neupogen shot, and Dr. Krekow's nurse caught me on my way out with my CMP results. She told me I had low potassium and prescribed me some potassium pills to take for 4 days. Jesse got them filled for me... and they are huge! The largest pill I've ever seen. I've never had a problem taking a pill, but when I went to try to swallow this thing it got stuck in my throat. For a few minutes I couldn't breath, talk or cough! I tried drinking more to push it down, but it was stuck. I finally managed to cough it back up. After living through six months of chemo, there was no way I was going to choke to death on a pill. I understand now why my grandmother doesn't want to take hers. These pills, even when broke into thirds seem to stick in your throat. They are the worst!

I spent yesterday in bed due to bone pain and lack of sleep. I had three neupogen shots this time (one more than I've had in the past) and that third one really kicked in the bone pain. I'm really ready to feel normal again. Hopefully, I will feel better, after the neupogen wears off and my counts are back to normal.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Low CBC Numbers

Got a nice "Critically Low" comment on my CBC bloodwork this week. I have to have 3 Neupogen shots + 10 days of Levaquin (antibiotic) to try to fix it. I had my first shot today. What sucks is each Neupogen shot costs $298 and we have to meet this years insurance deductible($2400) before any of it is covered by insurance. At this rate we may have it met before surgery.. grrrr(3 shots at $298 + whatever the surgeon consult costs on Thursday + whatever the Oncologist consolt costs next week + the Levaquin ($85)). The government needs to focus on getting these drug and medical costs down rather than trying to give people insurance. Even those of us who HAVE insurance can't hardly afford healthcare.

WBC was down to .9 (normal range is 4.8-10.8) and Neutrophils#(ANC) was down to .1 (normal range 1.5-6.5). For those unfamiliar, these are the white blood cell counts.. your first defense for fighting infections. I was told to avoid crowds or being out in public too much for a few days. Several other numbers on the CBC are either too high or too low, which is causing me to feel rather ran down any how, so I don't see staying in being that much of a problem.
Monday, January 4, 2010

Recovery From Six Months of Chemo

It is taking a bit longer to bounce back after this final treatment. I think the 6 months worth of chemo has worn me down. I haven't had any extreme symptoms this round, just fatigue, sore throat and a sluggish digestive system. Today is the first day I've tried to do much. I managed to throw dinner together last night (fresh fish the neighbor caught and brought us!) and I threw a load of laundry in for Katie who is dying to wear her new Christmas clothes to school(not an easy task after laying around for a week in bed!). I'm going to try to get to the ornaments off the tree today.

It's really quiet around here today, with Katie back in school and Jesse off trying to earn some cash. Jesse has been doing odd jobs as they come up. He is crawling around an attic somewhere over by TCU installing a speaker/sound system for someone today. I hope he stays warm!

I'd like to thank those who have been supportive during the 6 months of chemo I just completed. A special thanks to my chemo angels Pam and Kim who have sent me cards every week for months. I have an entire shelf full of their cards, gifts and inspiration. It has really brought back my faith in humanity to receive so much support from two wonderful women who were strangers before this started. Thank you for sharing your lives, praying for me and sending me the cards that helped keep me going!

I'd also like to thank Christine for calling to check on me, babysitting during doctors appointments and chemo treatments and just taking Katie out occasionally... I know this is hard on Katie with me being less active!

Thanks Jaclyn for being my backup whenever I needed one. I know you were there and willing whenever I asked(despite your crazy work schedule), and I greatly appreciate you!

Thanks to my Great Aunt Judy for her phone calls and recommendations. Just having someone who has been through this to talk to has been very helpful!

Thanks church and facebook friends for your support, comments and prayers, they have really been a help as well.

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