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Initially diagnosed June 4, 2009 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage II,Grade II tumor size: 2-3 cm node positive ER/PR postive HER2 Neu - negative Current Diagnosis: Metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 Mets: Scalp/skin, Liver, Spine, Bone ER/PR + HER2/NEU -

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Preparing for scan results

I'm sitting here trying to mentally prepare myself for the phone call I have to make tomorrow.  I had scans done last Wednesday and still haven't received a phone call with the results.  My Scanxiety is at it's peak tonight.  I'm hoping that the results are good again so I can continue on this trial.  It really gets hard sometimes to come up with the courage to deal with things some days.  Prayers welcome.

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