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Initially diagnosed June 4, 2009 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage II,Grade II tumor size: 2-3 cm node positive ER/PR postive HER2 Neu - negative Current Diagnosis: Metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 Mets: Scalp/skin, Liver, Spine, Bone ER/PR + HER2/NEU -

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Monday, September 29, 2014

New estrogen-related breast cancer mechanism detected

A previously unknown breast cancer-enabling mechanism has been discovered by researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The team's findings are published in the journal Oncogene.

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Conference in Philadelphia

I am heading back from the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Convention in Philly. I really enjoyed the convention, the women, and the speakers. I met a few new people and look forward to staying in touch with them.

On another note, I just found out the PINK craziness has already begun. Please read/share the following article. It appears that one of my Metastatic sisters was scheduled to appear on the Today show and got cancelled because she has her hair. Seriously?!?

Open Letter to Joan Lunden

Dear Ms. Lunden,
You are an inspiration to many women and, rightfully or not, by virtue that you developed this disease you shine a spotlight on women with breast cancer. To support one of your upcoming reports on the TODAY show, a friend was contacted to be on the show to talk about metastatic breast cancer. Well, she thought she was, but what TODAY show producers wanted, it turns out, was a sea ofexclusively bald women for a backdrop. When they learned she had hair, they told her not to show . Read More
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Experts issue plea for better research and education for advanced breast cancer

Read more by clicking below:

Experts issue plea for better research and education for advanced breast cancer

Insomnia's Best Friend

Over the past 6 chemo treatments that I have completed over the past two months, I have come to a conclusion.  IV Decadron, aka generic Dexamethasone, is insomnia's best friend.  IV Decadron is a drug they give me prior to my chemo treatment.  It is a steroid that is supposed to help reduce side effects.  It tends to give me at least a full 48 hours of insomnia despite my best efforts to counter it. For example, tonight, even after dancing with the Lunesta butterfly and taking a muscle relaxant, I am wide awake.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Chemo Treatment #5 Completed and Scans Soon

I completed chemo #5 today.  I'm getting pretty used to it and not having a lot of extreme side effects anymore, just a few minor annoying ones like:  clumsiness from probable mild neuropathy in my hands (I can't seem to hold on to anything), numbness tongue, taste issues with several foods, including red meat, and my endurance is extremely diminished.

Next Monday will be my 6th chemo and I will completed two "rounds" of 3 chemo treatments.  The week after, a CT scan will be done.  This scan will give us an idea of whether the chemo is working.  The results will show that the tumors on the previous scan (the one I did before the first chemo) have either shrunk or progressed.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I have fought the good fight

Today's Visit

I went in today for blood work.  They ran a CBC.  My WBC (white blood cells) and LYMPH (lymphocites) are back in the normal range.  These are the immune system related stats that were low last week.  This time, my HGB and HCT were below normal range.  These are the red blood cell stats that cause anemia when low.  My HGB is 8.0 and they said when it gets below 8.0, I have to have a blood transfusion.  They told me to eat foods high in iron and gave me a list (below).

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