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Initially diagnosed June 4, 2009 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage II,Grade II tumor size: 2-3 cm node positive ER/PR postive HER2 Neu - negative Current Diagnosis: Metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 Mets: Scalp/skin, Liver, Spine, Bone ER/PR + HER2/NEU -

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Doctor's Visit Update

Totally exhausted, but so much to do.  I had to take a quick break and update everyone on today's visit.  The disease is now extensive in the bones of my spine, but not enough to cause it to compress.  The bad part is that the disease is spreading into the soft tissue areas around my spinal cord that protect the spinal cord and there is a risk for a nerve to be affected if nothing is done.  My local oncologist is recommending radiation to that area.  I'm all for that and do not have any dates or amount of times I have to go in yet.  I will find that out at the initial consult with the radiation oncologist (using the same one as I did in the past).

As far as the treatment plan goes, I spoke with my oncologist and she said there was a trial that would fit me nicely and not burn another one of our possible standard care drugs.  It's in a second phase 3 which is way late in the game and working well for people who are unsuccessful on endocrine therapy (which is me).  She is going to see about getting me into this one as soon as the radiation is complete.

In the meantime, I'm rather exhausted and trying to get things cleaned up around here so that some people can come out and look at possibly fixing some of the things that never got finished.  My mom has found some volunteers to help out.  Between my appointments, work, Katie's schedule, and Jesse working all his days off to make up for days he takes off without pay (his new manager is making him take his PTO when he goes with me instead of letting him work in the waiting room)....  we have a thousand unfinished projects in this house still.  So I have to get this place straightened up so it can be toured by a bunch of strangers.  I'm worn out and still have 4 rooms to go!  So back to it.


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